Zhiyong Lu, Ph.D.

Senior Investigator

Biomedical Text Mining Group


Building 38A, Room 10N1003A
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894



Research Topics

Dr. Lu's research group is developing computational methods and software tools for text mining research (analyzing and making sense of natural language data in biomedical literature and clinical text). Some of his recent research has been successfully integrated into and widely used in PubMed and other NCBI databases.

His current focus areas include:

  • Biomedical literature analysis and retrieval (BioNLP)
  • Computer-assisted biomedical data curation (Biocuration)
  • Web access to comsumer health information (Health Informatics)
  • Computational drug repositioning (Translational Bioinformatics)


Dr. Lu is a Senior investigator at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), where he joined after earning a Ph.D. in Bioinformatics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

Selected Publications

  1. Fiorini N, Canese K, Starchenko G, Kireev E, Kim W, Miller V, Osipov M, Kholodov M, Ismagilov R, Mohan S, Ostell J, Lu Z. Best Match: New relevance search for PubMed. PLoS Biol. 2018;16(8):e2005343.
  2. Chen Q, Allot A, Lu Z. Keep up with the latest coronavirus research. Nature. 2020;579(7798):193.
  3. Allot A, Wei CH, Phan L, Hefferon T, Landrum M, Rehm HL, Lu Z. Tracking genetic variants in the biomedical literature using LitVar 2.0. Nat Genet. 2023;55(6):901-903.
  4. Fiorini N, Leaman R, Lipman DJ, Lu Z. How user intelligence is improving PubMed. Nat Biotechnol. 2018.
  5. Wei CH, Allot A, Lai PT, Leaman R, Tian S, Luo L, Jin Q, Wang Z, Chen Q, Lu Z. PubTator 3.0: an AI-powered literature resource for unlocking biomedical knowledge. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024;52(W1):W540-W546.

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This page was last updated on Thursday, August 29, 2024